Friday, December 11, 2009

Lice Or Dandruff How Do I Know If I Have Lice Or Dandruff?

How do I know if I have lice or dandruff? - lice or dandruff

I do not know if I have lice or dandruff, but nothing behind it, and there's nothing on my head, but I combed my hair and white spots remain in place. How do I know whether I or not? And I have not done or not?


Nader Wins said...

Error on the side of caution. all natural and works great.

sunny mary said...

Look into the hair shaft. You need to find your mother or father or sister or brother, what is best for you. Keep looking. If you have a small white or clear commitment to the lock of hair, which is a nit (lice egg). You can see looking for himself, but only in a position at the front and sides.
The real louse (lice) is very low. If you hold the light you can see the legs. Do not panic. If you or someone who buys NIX lice shampoo. You again in another 7-10 days shampoo. (Read the instructions) on the chest. Then use a lice comb on wet hair (which is a bit easier too) can make to remove lice and nits on. Keep clean the comb with a cloth to initiate and maintain tissue.
Wash all the pillowcases, blankets, bed linen in hot water and dry. Pillows, in fact, arise in the dryer for about 15 minutes.
The best way to get rid of the lice is: Of course, to the anti-lice shampoo.
In one week, to do it again. If you have lice, is a proof:
Put vegetable oil in his hair wet. Mix it around his head.
Insert a cardr cap over her hair. Place a towel on the pillow. Sleep during the night, but let your ears to the head can lead to sweat a little. Make sure that the lice are not behind the ears. In the morning, remove the lid. Use the lice comb and someone to go through each of the hair with a comb. Of lice and nits are dead can not abide by the hair ... True comb with a comb.
Its leaves can stain, however, with vegetable oil. But it is certain that lice free. So thoroughly and make sure to go through the hair. Do a little at a time.
My son had lice once. My kindergarten had. What a pain. God, I thank you, everything is great now.
If you have pets, be sure to take them to be washed veterinarians. Pets can catch lice from you.
However, sometimes itchy, but above all, she feels nothing!
** Ah, most important of all, the oil shampoo your hair with Dawn liquid detergent. He is the oil from your hair! (If you use the "oil" treatment)

Sparkle H said...

Brush your hair to a piece of cloth or a black cloth. If you have lice in small white dots begin to move. With a magnifying glass can easily be able to see their legs and heads. Yuck! I hope for you it is shed!

(: said...

Lice headd itchyya is his first, if you will see it and try to remove it there and dandruff has just fallen.
We also have the dandruff shampoo (head and shoulders perfurably) and although it is usually lice.

Joanna V said...

I think that may have nits or lice eggs. Nits search on the Internet. Yank a piece of hair and with the image that you are comparing. If you have lice, I recommend the lice shampoo and lice comb to get rid of them.

♥Stephan... said...

Head lice cause itching
no scales, but to see if U have a lot of

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