Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How Long Does It Take Before You Come Down With Strepthroat How Long Before CLINTON Supporters Come Down From CLOUD 9?

How long before CLINTON supporters come down from CLOUD 9? - how long does it take before you come down with strepthroat

The hard numbers are not unique in their favor, and the trend favors Obama superdelegates.


italienn... said...

Next week.

darrin b said...

they do not obviously the math.

but let me illustrate:

Obama won 64 delegates in Ohio.
Clinton won 77th 13 Compensation.

Obama won 9 delegates in Vermont.
Clinton won 6th at position 0

Obama has won 8 delegates at Rhode Iceland.
Clinton won 13th offset 5th

Obama won 61 delegates in primaries in Texas.
Hillary won 65 delegates. to be offset 4th

Obama won 30 persons in the groups in Texas.
Hillary won 27th at position 0

If I add anything, big Hillary "wins" on 4 March, a total of only 16 people in his pockets.

John said...

the wishes of his party.

Hillary seal the agreement, make a habit of it.
Super-delegates go for Hillary! I bet the White House that Hillary superdelegate hold all to victory.

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