Thursday, January 28, 2010

Index Of Gf Jpg What Does It Mean To See Your Exboyfriend As A Drag Queen In A Dream?

What does it mean to see your exboyfriend as a drag queen in a dream? - index of gf jpg

It was about 3 cm long nails purple w / daisies on them. He said he had his girlfriend for a birthday last night brought, then pointed his finger and said "that's what I did."

If this helps:
We are still very good friends and I'm not crazy with his GF.

What does this dream?

PLEASE HELP its driving me crazy.


thingsth... said...

To see a transsexual in his dream, indicates that male and female aspects of his car was damaged. You may not be ready to face his own shadow.

sheila_0... said...

Depends ... Have you checked to see cabinet, to see if it is "missing"? Perhaps a personal item left behind ... If you have a good relationship, you call to ask, and if you "pass" anything to make what you sell, or have posted. If things go well, tell him the dream and ask what color nail polish you are currently using ... (which are blunt Nice polish for men who need to be treated well) ... Ignore the part about the anniversary of the friend's girl. .. Somehow, his "gift" was obscene, crude and cheap.

Nitey Nite ...

Carlisle... said...

Perhaps you are trying to treat the weeds in his life. If you are still "very close friend", could not be healthier. Could it be time to turn the tide? I think your dream will try to help you.

Carlisle... said...

Perhaps you are trying to treat the weeds in his life. If you are still "very close friend", could not be healthier. Could it be time to turn the tide? I think your dream will try to help you.

coomasse... said...

Note that all characters in the dream images of a part of himself.

erky said...

There is a chance that he homosexual or bisexual

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