Thursday, January 14, 2010

Storage Bowls How Do I Keep Tomato Sauce From Staining My Plastic Storage Bowls?

How do I keep tomato sauce from staining my plastic storage bowls? - storage bowls

Spray the inside of the cups with "Pam". Things you are bubbling over the pan. Who covers the cup and the sauce to avoid staining. It worked for me.


rocky said...

Gee, I thank you bugear001 - I never thought of that!

My answer would be "impossible"! : D

Sue said...

Foods high in sugar or fat hot "faster food microwave with less.

You can heat food slowly, so that the plastic is not so hot (the opening of the pores and blemishes) to accept. Use a lower value of electricity and heat for more time - stirring the hot corners in the center more often.

To a cooking spray can also help.

Food can get super hot --
Tomato Sauce
Salsa (fat)
Fruit (such as pie filling and baby food)
Infant (fats and sugars)

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