Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Can You Renew A Temporary Drivers License If I Renew My Temporary Drivers License In Ohio, Will I Have To Redo All My Driving Hours?

If I renew my temporary drivers license in Ohio, will I have to redo all my driving hours? - can you renew a temporary drivers license

I have all my hours, but my parents do not feel I'm ready. I have to return 50 hours?


VJno1 said...

Do not you think it is necessary ...
Although you can bike light enough to enjoy the ride and handling of evidence to be good to go. You might want to have a little practice, most parents probably please ...

Jimbo said...

No, only 50 products.

Jimbo said...

No, only 50 products.

Jimbo said...

No, only 50 products.

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