Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Convert Lvp To Wav Does Anyone Know Of A POP/IMAP Connector That Can Convert An Avaya Audio (lvp) File To A Wav On The Fly?

Does anyone know of a POP/IMAP connector that can convert an avaya audio (lvp) file to a wav on the fly? - convert lvp to wav

The need to be able to retrieve messages from voice mail and send Avaya INTUITY to change. This is already the most POP or IMAP connections, but I have to convert the WAV file that can transit so it will be playable on the BlackBerry users. The Avaya INTUITY Messaging creates the file as an audio file of LVP (Avaya proprietary format) and sends a BlackBerry does nothing because there are no mobile devices, which are an LVP support white audio files.
My only option is an expensive solution, Avaya ridiclously the sum of 14,000 U.S. dollars. PLEASE HELP !!!!!


youngboy... said...

I doubt that Avaya has created a true professional format. My guess is that their problems can be around 8000Hz mono some compression and a change in the file. 8K I collect because it is a normal call.

I use GoldWave all my audio files to decode. They have a study:

I begin to open the file until it found what it was. From there you will find almost a cheaper alternative.

I have tried to start 8000Hz m (MEW right) mono.

SomeGuyW... said...

You see, that they are using their own format, it really can not be made much about the subject ...

He is a player who has the ability to have record in WAV format, ... ...

Maybe see if there is a way to automate this?

Or spend the money. : - /

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